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Asterisk means something which has further meaning. It signifies that creativity and imagination has no limitation. It also conveys the message that our compassion and care is profound to the People and Planet without the border in all directions. Asterisk was established in 2010 as a family run Handicraft Company with the view of promoting the Nepali handicraft industry while providing employment opportunities to the deprived, underprivileged community people, especially women and ethnic groups by making them socially and economically empowered, offering them various benefits such as health care and education for their children. Thus, our company leads them to live a standard life i.e by training them, making them skilled for the job in the company.
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With the motive to reduce the production of waste, we give priority to the household wa ...
Read MoreIn a world full of factory-made pet toys, handmade felt toys ...
Read MoreThere’s something magical about game day in Montana, e ...
Read MoreWe are a valued member in several organizations.